Thursday, 9 February 2012

Launching Passivehouse in Spain

Over the last year I have been working for the German Barcelona-based company Energiehaus who are pioneering passivehouse building standards in Spain.

Passivehouse uses environmental conditions combined with design and technology to create or convert buildings that consume low levels of energy. The idea makes economic and environmental sense as it not only reduces carbon emissions but greatly saves on heating and cooling costs.

To launch passivehouse in Spain, Energiehaus came up with the idea Apuesta Por El Clima or Bet for the Climate, where 1000 litres of ice was encased in a passivehouse box. After the container had been exposed for 2 weeks to the summer sun of Barcelona, the public were then invited to guess how much ice would be left. The winner guessed that 20% of the ice had melted.

Below: The Apuesta container in front of the College of Architecture in Plaza Nueva, Barcelona.

I designed the container which was also served as a passivehouse exhibition. The project also required leaflets, posters and invitations and an exhibition for the College of Architecture where a conference was held on passivehouse.

Below: One of the sides portrays a cutaway section showing the interior, with the block of ice and insulation materials.

Below: A poster illustrating the idea and the event, the organisers entered the project into the FAD architectural competition.

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